Getting started
Front-end developers are often afraid of the backend. They don’t know how to start, what to do, and how to do it. Agrume is a tool that makes developing API endpoints as easy as writing a function. Best of all, it’s type-safe!
Let’s see an example:
import { createRoute } from 'agrume'
const getDogImage = createRoute(
async () => {
// `database` is a fake database that should not be accessible from the client
const dog = database.dogs.findFirst({
select: ['imageBase64'],
where: { isGoodBoy: true }
return dog.imageBase64
export const Dog = function () {
const [dogImage, setDogImage] = useState('')
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return <img src={dogImage} />
pnpm add agrume @agrume/plugin
Agrume is agnostic. This means that you can use it with the stack of your choice. We provide plugins for the following tools:
Provide this range of plugins is possible thanks to Unplugin and the UnJS team.
To use Agrume with Vite, you need to add the Agrume plugin to your Vite configuration:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import agrume from '@agrume/plugin/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
// ...
In some cases, you need to add the plugin to the top of the list of plugins. For example, if you use Vite React, the Vite React plugin will add side-effect statements to your code, which will break Agrume. To work around this problem, you can also use the createRoute
function in separate files.
Other tools
With the same logic as Vite, you can add the Agrume plugin to the configuration of your tool, by importing @agrume/plugin/your-tool
Agrume uses Babel under the hood. If you use another tool that the ones listed above, you can use the Babel preset.
First, you need to install the Babel preset and the Agrume internals:
pnpm add -D babel-preset-agrume @agrume/internals
Then, you can create a .babelrc.js
const { state } = require('@agrume/internals')
state.set((state) => {
state.options = {
// Put your options here
return state
module.exports = function (api) {
return {
presets: ['babel-preset-agrume'],
As a student, I frequently have to build projects in teams and in a short amount of time. These projects require a backend, but many of my teammates prefer to work on the frontend because they are not comfortable with the backend. I wanted to create a tool that would make backend development as easy as frontend development, so that it would be easier to organise the work in teams.
I think that Agrume is great to build prototypes and small projects. However, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to use it in production. I would love to hear your feedback on this!